As a beekeeper who has been producing for several years Royal jelly I can't help but talk to you about him and of course I can't hide from you the feeling of ecstasy I feel every time I am in this process.
Royal Jelly is the natural thickener, biological substance produced by the young worker bees and used for the exclusive diet of the queen. This off-white milky substitute produced by bees is the queen's only food. It is noted here that the queen bees are not born but made . They live exclusively on royal jelly and are responsible for their large size, fertility and longevity.
Bee-eaters (that is, the bees that feed the little worms before they become nymphs), after eating honey and pollen and processing them in special glands located in their pharynx, produce this cream-like pulp.
Therefore, one can understand why it was called royal, since it is what the queen-bee feeds on throughout her life. The taste of the royal pulp is subacid, slightly caustic and its color is pale yellow-off white.
Royal jelly recipe
By consuming honey and pollen, the bee gets all their components. By processing them in her glands, the final product has even more. The analyzes that have been done have shown that the average of its main components is: moisture 67%, proteins 15.5%, sugars 12.5%, fatty substances 4% and ash 1%.
However, what gives royal jelly its amazing properties is the abundance of vitamins, especially those of the B complex, which are crucial for the good functioning not only of our nervous system but of the entire organism.
Uses and therapeutic actions
Royal jelly is not a miracle cure. The key to understanding how it can act in seemingly opposite ways (helping people with insomnia on the one hand and people suffering from fatigue not falling asleep on the other) is to think of it as a catalyst that delivers essential nutrients to the body and in this way it balances its function and improves metabolism.
What needs to be emphasized is that the healthy and balanced human body is a highly efficient self-healing unit. Problems begin to appear when this chemical balance is disturbed.
The symptoms can be treated with medication but this does not eliminate the cause that caused it. A natural remedy is to bring the body back into proper balance by using a nutritional supplement. A natural supplement is royal jelly, although significantly more expensive than common supplements available in pharmacies.
It has been proved that it is nature's richest health food. It has a positive effect on metabolism, in development and long life. It regulates and balances the body's functions, oxygenates the cells and increases the natural resistance to external insults as well as internal abnormalities.
Increases physical and mental strength, stimulates memory, endurance, fertility and sexual performance.
The children can find a strong ally as it helps catalyses in cases of anemia, developmental delay, exam preparation as well as recovery.
For adults, the indications for the use of royal jelly are quite lengthy. Some examples are:
- for the prevention of seasonal viruses
- against depression, anxiety, stress
- against impotence and sterility
- against fatigue
- against Parkinson's disease
- against Alzheimer's disease
- against hypertension
- against diabetes mellitus
- in old age
- possible anticancer activity
- strengthening the immune system-antimicrobial action (mainly against streptococci, staphylococci and E.coli, bacilli coli)
- reduces the risk of coronary heart disease
- improves asthma
- toning and strengthening of the skin (due to the collagen it contains - reduction of wrinkles) and the scalp
- offers anabolic support resulting in athletic performance (increased energy, endurance and physical strength)
- reduces allergic symptoms of other causes
So working and producing it royal jelly one cannot but admire perhaps the most perfect natural laboratory in creation, at most one centimeter long, and not bow down to this wonderful creature, the bee . Fresh Greek Royal Jelly of Our Production
Because the amount of Greek royal jelly produced is very small (about 2% of the volume traded annually!!) we should be very careful not to pay for imported Greek royal jelly. Greek royal jelly differs in texture, taste and color. It has a bright white, slightly yellowish color and the brighter the color, the fresher it is. It is kept exclusively in the freezer (-20 C) for at least one year. The 10g jar that we consume is kept in the fridge for at least 3-4 months.